Terms Of Service

This MAILBOX Service Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into by the customer identified above ("CUSTOMER") for the use of and services related to a mailbox (the "MAILBOX") at NINE3ONE doing business as NINE3ONE, hereinafter referred to as (“ NINE3ONE”) under the terms set forth herein and governed by the laws of THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA.

1. CUSTOMER agrees that CUSTOMER will not use NINE3ONE premises or any NINE3ONE services for any unlawful, illegitimate or fraudulent purpose or for any purpose prohibited by U.S. Postal regulations. CUSTOMER further agrees that any use of the MAILBOX shall be in conformity with all applicable federal, state and local laws. Each individual or entity must complete a separate U.S. Postal Service Form 1583 ("Form 1583") to be authorized to receive mail or packages at the MAILBOX. However, spouses may complete one Form 1583, as long as both spouses include their separate information on the Form.

2. This AGREEMENT and Form 1583 shall remain confidential, except that this AGREEMENT and Form 1583 may be disclosed upon written request of any law enforcement or other governmental agency, or when legally mandated. Upon request, CUSTOMER agrees to complete all necessary documents, including Form 1583 and any required acknowledgment form relating to service of process. CUSTOMER further agrees to sign an updated version of this AGREEMENT and Form 1583 upon request.

3. Possession of the MAILBOX username and password shall be considered valid evidence that the possessor is duly authorized to remove any contents from the MAILBOX. In the event of death or incapacity of the CUSTOMER, NINE3ONE will require the appropriate documents from the Probate Court, the executor of the estate, the trustee or other similar person or entity before releasing mail or packages to a requesting party.

4. Upon expiration, cancellation or termination of this AGREEMENT, NINE3ONE will:

a. Re-mail (i.e., forward) CUSTOMER's mail for six (6) months, provided CUSTOMER pays the postage, packaging material, and forwarding fees in advance. Additionally, CUSTOMER must pay a monthly storage fee of $10.00 for month 1, and to be determined for months 2 through 6 in advance for the time period that mail is to be forwarded. It is the CUSTOMER's responsibility to make arrangements with NINE3ONE to identify any mail forwarding needs prior to the expiration, cancellation or termination of this AGREEMENT.

b. Store the mail or packages for up to six (6) months provided CUSTOMER pays a storage fee of $20.00 per month for the time period in which NINE3ONE holds the mail or package(s), plus a service fee of to be determined for each time CUSTOMER visits NINE3ONE to pick up such items. It is the CUSTOMER's responsibility to make arrangements with NINE3ONE to identify any mail storage needs prior to the expiration, cancellation or termination of this AGREEMENT.

c. Retain CUSTOMER's mail, other than Unsolicited Mail, at the Center for a period of ten (10) days, if the customer leaves no forwarding fees and forwarding address. After such time, any mail or package may be discarded or destroyed.

d. Discard or destroy any "Unsolicited Mail" (e.g., bulk mail; mail addressed as "occupant," "current resident" or similar designation; or coupons, advertising or other promotional material) delivered to or remaining at NINE3ONE.

e. Refuse any package addressed to CUSTOMER delivered by any party other than the U.S. Postal Service, such as a commercial courier service.

5. Upon cancellation or termination of this AGREEMENT, NINE3ONE may:

a. Refuse any mail or package addressed to the CUSTOMER and delivered to NINE3ONE.

b. Discard or destroy any of the CUSTOMER's mail or packages delivered to or remaining at NINE3ONE at such time.

6. The term of this AGREEMENT shall be the initial period paid for by CUSTOMER and any renewal period paid for by CUSTOMER from time to time. Renewal of this AGREEMENT for additional terms shall be at NINE3ONE’s sole discretion.